Our initial meeting in January 2019 in Frankfurt, Germany: Guillermo Bran (Navigate), Darwin Romero (Navigate), Horst Findeisen (UNEX), Benno Daegling (UNEX), Jose Giammattei (Navigate), Arne Semken (UNEX)
18 months ago, UNEX started its cooperation with aviation specialists Navigate Aviation Consulting in San Salvador. This special partnership opens doors to multiple opportunities for each other and our respective clients. First and foremost, the ongoing exchange of expertise and perspectives between our teams results in higher project quality. In particular, Navigate’s deep experience in the LCC space is very valuable for our clients. But there is much more, e.g. the local presence of Navigate locations in the U.S. and Latin America. UNEX has previously done project work in multiple countries in The Americas but has always missed a local presence in Latin America. In addition, Navigate has a software design subsidiary named Applaudo Studios that successfully serves Fortune 500 companies. Through this agency we can offer our clients fast, professional and cost-effective IT digital solutions such as mobile apps.
We are looking forward to further joint projects and fun evenings.