Launch your journey.
Your career at UNEX.
What makes UNEX unique
Good performance must also be fun and encouraged.
At UNEX, this includes attractive compensation components as well as a great and sustainable working environment.

Attractive salary
Exceptional performance also deserves performance-related compensation.

Think entrepreneurially
There is space to develop yourself. When we achieve success together, we celebrate that success together.

Great working environment
A great mix of work at the customer's site, remote work or in our cool offices.

Experience customers live
At UNEX you are close to the customer. Experience company cultures, products and much more live.

Travel sustainably
Smart traveling... we're in with the Bahncard, remote and digital work.

Fresh mind
30 days of vacation, up to 10 days of unpaid special leave, and the weekend is yours.

Decide your development
Instead of training templates, you determine your development with a budget.

Flat hierarchies
Get involved. Work on an equal footing, and the best idea prevails.

Event it
Once a year, we embark on a strategy trip together: Palma, Helsinki, Istanbul, and more.
Send your meaningful application to us.