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That move our customers

Benno Daegling
Jun 16, 20222 min read
What to do with our salesforce after Corona?
It was in late 2021 that a former client from the travel industry approached us to ask: “What...

Benno Daegling
Jun 1, 20222 min read
The revolution around NDC & One Order
NDC and ONE Order are already revolutionizing how airline tickets are distributed. Retail competencies are quickly becoming a core....

Benno Daegling
Apr 6, 20222 min read
Dashboard forecasting in a period of unpredictability
Data analytics is key to airline success. Highly developed models have been created to forecast demand and thus predict future seat...

Benno Daegling
Mar 24, 20222 min read
We love Power BI
Why do we love Power BI?
UNEX has always been data driven because figures beat words. But Microsoft Excel has its limitations, even the...

Brock Friesen
Mar 8, 20223 min read
Airlines are Collateral Damage in Putin’s Aggression
Just as the airline industry was seeing the green shoots of turnaround after the worst of the....
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