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Die unsere Kunden bewegen
Ralf Schustereder
27. Juli 20223 Min. Lesezeit
Nachhaltigkeit in der Luftfahrt
Sustainability in aviation is only granted by induvial and personal touch points not by „abstract“ climate targets
„No one will value...
Prof. Dr. Stephan Bingemer
29. Juni 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Grüne Fluggesellschaft: Wie man das grüne Image der Zukunft pflegt.
Air transport is an important contributor to a globalized world. However, its contribution to human-induced CO2 emission is seen as...
Benno Daegling
17. Juni 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Was sollen wir mit unserem Vertriebsteam nach Corona machen?
It was in late 2021 that a former client from the travel industry approached us to ask: “What...
Benno Daegling
6. Apr. 20222 Min. Lesezeit
Prognose-Dashboard in einer Zeit der Unvorhersehbarkeit
Data analytics is key to airline success. Highly developed models have been created to forecast demand and thus predict future seat...
Benno Daegling
24. März 20221 Min. Lesezeit
Wir lieben Power BI
Why do we love Power BI?
UNEX has always been data driven because figures beat words. But Microsoft Excel has its limitations, even the...
Mark Davies
25. Feb. 20223 Min. Lesezeit
Back to Basics – Our Customers
In our most recent strategy session, the UNEX Management Consultancy Team had the pleasure of a live online discourse with a former CEO of..
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