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Die unsere Kunden bewegen

Anna Becker
15. Nov. 20194 Min. Lesezeit
Airport Experience
What airport experience do passengers expect today and in the future?
Processes are often optimized...

Arne Semken
1. Nov. 20196 Min. Lesezeit
Loyalty – Frequent Flyer Programs
Have FFP’s destroyed airline loyalty?
Are Frequent Flyer Programs lucrative for airlines or are they a source of frustration for their...

Anna Becker
9. Okt. 20195 Min. Lesezeit
How will the future of travel-based retail look like?
Digitalization, intelligent infrastructures and seamless processes: The travel-based..

Armin Bovensiepen
12. Juni 20195 Min. Lesezeit
One Order
Finally airline retail will leave its infancy!
“One Order” initiative to revolutionize shopping & ordering
Today a typical traveller holds..

Horst Findeisen
8. Mai 20192 Min. Lesezeit
Single-Pilot Cockpit: Predictable resistance – Predictable outcome
Single-Pilot Cockpit: Predictable resistance – predictable outcome
U.S. pilot labor groups are very busy...

Benno Daegling
5. Mai 20192 Min. Lesezeit
Digital Cargo Airlines
How digital is your Customer Experience?
Are you in danger of being disrupted by digital cargo champions?
Disruption is driven by more...
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